What We Need To Do Now
I am not a protestor or a political person, but I know what needs to be done so that those of us interested in grounding the 5th...

How to Design a Prenatal Yoga class with a Connection to Labor
3 Things to keep in mind about labor when teaching prenatal yoga. As a yoga teacher you are aware that you need to do modifications when...

How to Teach a Prenatal Yoga Class
Have you ever wanted to teach prenatal yoga but didn't know where to start? Here are 5 tips to teach prenatal yoga with confidence. I...

Real Men do Yoga
I have practiced yoga since 1980 and started teaching in 1994. In those years the majority of my students were women. Men have come late...

5 Steps to Designing a Creative Yoga Practice
Greetings Yoga Teachers and Yoga Practitioners, Do you get bored with teaching or practicing the same yoga sequences day after day? This...

Healing and Creativity
I was interviewed by author Sheree Darien and our conversation centered on healing and creativity. We talked about how stress can effect...

Does Yoga detoxify the Body, Mind, and Spirit?
We have all seen yoga classes labeled "Detox Yoga." We assume that if we take that workshop or class we will remove toxins from our...

Yoga and the Tarot Major Arcana
The Tarot and Yoga are intimately connected. The connection has not been sufficiently explored and I will not be able to even scratch the...

Getting Sassy with Writing: let the characters speak
I just completed my second Sassy Yoga Challenge and I thought about how that creative process can help in the process of writing a novel....

Sassy Yoga Sequencing and Creativity
Greetings Creatives, Today I want to talk about how intuitive sequencing can open creativity. When we attend a yoga class we are...