Sassy Yoga Sequencing and Creativity
Greetings Creatives,
Today I want to talk about how intuitive sequencing can open creativity. When we attend a yoga class we are following the instructor and focus on how he or she is executing the pose. We rarely pay attention to where we are in time and space. Thinking outside the box in the sequencing of our postures challenges the left side of the brain to come up with creative ways of moving.

Making our own connections between postures without worry about whether we are following a traditional sequence is a lesson in trusting the self to move in a way that expresses the inner landscape. We all have different thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Our incarnational histroy varies like snowflakes. There is usually fear around certain poses related to past life experiences. If we are able to find our way into these postures creatively we could release years of karma stores in the cells of our bodies. Intuitive sequencing of yoga asanas is unexplored territory in yoga classes, but at home we can traverse this landscape and transform our practice and develop more confidence in our intuition and creativity to problem solve.
An example of a creative sequence could look like moving from a figure four stretch on our back to a seated half lotus in a way that is natural to the practitioner. If you look at the picture above I am moving from Tree Pose to a leg extended balance to warrior pose. It is one connected sequence that expresses how I like to more in my practice. Another practitioner may go from dancer pose to a forward bend. It all depends on how your inner landscape wants to express itself. Developing a Sassy Yoga Sequence of your own will open creativity and intuition and will teach you about how you move in the world.
If you are interested in developing a sassy yoga sequence of your own with other yogis then my FREE YOGA SEQUENCING CHALLENGE is for you! Check out the into below and sign up as soon as you can. Space is limited.
Attention all Sassy Yoga Practitioners and Teachers,
The 3 Day Sassy Yoga Sequencing Challenge is back!,
January 9, 10,11, 2017
Are you tired of doing the same sequence over and over again in class because you're not sure how to be more creatively in your approach to yoga. I know I am.. That's why I have created the Sassy Challenge; to inspire you to create your own Sassy Sequences. This FREE Challenge includes: 1.) Daily Email Lessons and Writing Prompts Every day I'll land in your inbox to give you a fun and elegant Sassy Sequence and a writing prompt so you create your own Sassy Sequence. 2) Daily Facebook Live Training at 10 am Jan. 9, 10, 11 You'll be invited to join me everyday in our Facebook group for live video inspiring trainings + Q+A time. 3) Supportive Awesome Sassy Community You'll love connecting with other teachers and yoga practitioners who want to integrate Sassy Sequences into their practice.
Sign up here: PS- There will be a prize for the person who plays the most!