New Novel: The Benevolence of New Ideas
The third novel in my series is now in the editing phase. As I wrote this book, there were many times when I was completely lost, debating which direction to go. It was at these points that I pushed through and let the characters speak and decide what they wanted. Their request had to fit within the plot, of course, but they had a say. I have lived with the main character through three books and as the trilogy draws to a close, I now realize that some of the characters will have an new iteration in a different series. I had planned to end the series with this third book but some of the characters demanded a cross over to finish their story. The direction of The Benevolence of New Ideas has taken a spiritual and psychic turn and it is my hope that my readers will follow.

In The Benevolence of New Ideas, Angela's influence on the third generation of American was centered on developing a sensitivity to the occulted world and the blossoming of intuition. In this novel we experience, through Angela's and Marie's eyes, the end of the 1960s when the Vietnam war was raging and American culture was rapidly changing due to the advent of feminism, civil rights, antiwar protests, and evolving fashion. We experience the struggles Angela had encountered in America's rapidly evolving landscape and how Marie assists her in adapting to the changing vista. We see Angela's influence on Marie's psychic development and how it manifests in the three dimensional world.
In this third novel we also see the dynamic of family relationships and how Angela, unable to have children, creates the family she had wanted. Through her, Marie learns the power of creativity and building a life through one's intention. We are privy to private conversations with Angela's friends, the original immigrants who left Italy and settled in America, and when they pass away, we recognize their legacy. Angela is a dressmaker who, through designing clothing, assists her clients in projecting a desired image. This ability to transform her clients through her talent was her superpower
Approaching the end of the edits, I am hoping my readership will appreciate the twist in the third novel and its segue to the next series. At this point, The Benevolence of New Ideas is not set in stone and is open for suggestion. I invite my readers to submit other titles that they feel should be considered. Please feel free to comment on this post or on the books. Between the Cracks is now an audio book, check it out here
To get a flavor of Between the Cracks check out the trailer below.
Carmela Cattuti started her writing career as a writer for the Somerville News in Boston, MA. She is a writer, painter, and yoga instructor in Boston. After she finished her graduate work in English Literature at Boston College, she began to write creatively and taught a journal writing class at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. As fate would have it, she felt compelled to write her great-aunt’s story. Between the Cracks and The Ascent have gone through many incarnations and will become a trilogy. The Ascent is the second in the series. To connect with Carmela email her at or visit her web site at