What can we Expect from you in the Future?
by Carmela Cattuti
I have been asked about future writing projects.

I am unsure of what my direction will be as time goes by. I have always imagined myself as a fiction writer, but now I think I may change genres. After completing my trilogy, I felt that I had finished a cycle. Everything that stemmed from Angela’s life manifested in generations she influenced. Now, I must ask myself “what’s next.” At the end of the third novel, The Benevolence of New Ideas, I explore the metaphysical aspect of Angela’s life and its influence on Marie’s developed intuition and spirituality. Marie begins to walk between the physical and the non-physical world, given Angela’s influence it was unavoidable that Marie would walk that path.
I think I would take Marie’s awareness at the end of the book and develop the tension between vision and the unseen world and the earth plane. I could do this through non-fiction, but it is an intriguing idea to create the melding of the spiritual and physical through a fictional character. I see this dichotomy merging so that the spiritual universe influences the earth plane, and the book bursts with a flow that reduces barriers to wholeness and happiness. Knowing who we are and how to express our essence is key to a meaningful life which in tern manifests an abundant life. The first step is to acquaint ourselves with our intuition and the second is to trust it.
It can feel awkward and scary at first, especially if we have spent a lifetime ignoring or pushing our intuition away, but once we begin following our discernment our lives inevitably change for the better. It takes practice and courage, so it is best to be gentle with oneself. When we first start to connect with our hunches it may feel inappropriate or a little wacky, this is where our discernment comes into play. We need to recognize the difference between our intuition and fantastic thinking. For example, if you want to author a book, an outline may be necessary along with setting a time aside every day to manifest your vision. Wishing the book into existence does not work; to manifest the book, we need to take action in the physical world. That is the connection between vision and manifestation.
What is next for me? I will explore how to manifest more of my vision onto the earth plane. I will allow my intuition to dictate the genre, so a level of detachment will come into play. I will choose the expression that best conveys the subject. I am hopeful that my intuition, writing skills combined with discipline will congeal and produce a new book that best represents my next step.

Carmela Cattuti started her writing career as a writer for the Somerville News in Boston, MA. She is a writer, painter, and yoga instructor in Boston. After she finished her graduate work in English Literature at Boston College, she began to write creatively and taught a journal writing class at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. As fate would have it, she felt compelled to write her great-aunt’s story. Between the Cracks and The Ascent have gone through many incarnations and will become a trilogy. The Ascent is the second in the series. The third novel, The Benevolence of New Ideas, will be published this October, 2021. To connect with Carmela email her at cattutic@gmail.com or visit her web site at www.ccattuticreative.com.